Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY FOR (Face painting business)

We do not use children’s names in photograph captions.

If you would like to sign a written consent form please speak with myself (Maria Mitchell)

Under the Child Protection Act, we will only ever use photographs with the permission of parents and the images will be used for agreed use such as Social media and marketing purpose of our related business(s) In this case Face Painting.

We do not allow photography/photographers unsupervised access to children, and an adult will need to be present at All times and in agreement.

We not approve of photography sessions outside the event or at a child’s home unsupervised.

Any School or event or club we attend will need to ensure that parents, carers, family members and others understand the policy. Many schools and clubs also have an acceptable use policy for using photographs, which may include asking parents not to share photos on social media

If at any time, you would like to withdraw consent with any images you have allowed us to use, then please let us know in writing/email and we will take any images down within 7 days of your request from social media.  With regards to any marketing material we will let you know the time frame in which this can be done to ensure all parties are happy.

This policy can be found via our Website and Facebook Page in the About section.