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Book Your Kids Party Online

Face Painting date booking calender

You can book and secure your booking by paying the $50 deposit online.

Hover over a date to see time availability. Dates that are unclickable are booked out. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Packages / Pricing.

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Dates Available
Booked Out
Pending Approval
Partially booked
$50 Deposit required to secure your booking (refundable if cancellation occurs due to bad weather)
Select Start Time:
Select Time Duration:

First Name (required):

Last Name (required):

Email (required):


Name of Child

Age of Child

Location (Address) of Party

Approx No. of Kids

Which package? (Face Painting Only, Face Painting & Balloons, Face Painting, Balloons & Games, Ultimate Toddler Party, Hula Hoop Kids Party)

Details: Please let me know if there are any additional requests or needs for your special occassion


Situated in Warriewood and bringing colour and sparkle to the entire Northern Beaches & North Shore

Maria Mitchell 0404 240 091

Enquiries :